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Enhancing Effectiveness

Who Are We ?

HiS Trust Team
Enhancing Effectiveness
Your continual development and growth is our business. We ensure that you function at your personal best perfomance always. Be it group coaching and training services to one on one mentoring and consultancy services all the way to helping you establish your digital footprint through our online intelligence programmes. For a variety of services that will suit your needs come through to our doors

Our Services

Generation Y
( teens and young adults)

character and personal development, exam coaching, outdoor life skills and interpersonal communication, character assessment, confidence building, anger and substance management

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Executive coaching
(Generation X)

character and personal development, parenting coaching, marriage coaching, business advice and consultancy, interpersonal skills and communication, grooming and deportment, goal setting, attitude and mindset adjusting, career management, interview coaching and assessment

Schools and Corporate catalogue

prefects training, leadership camp, career coaching, teachers team building, team building facilitation, day and overnight educational trips and tours, church and office retreats, corporate team building

Steps To Being Highly Effective


Developing a positive mindset

Creating a mindset that encourages growth and nourishes a positive attitude, nurturing a successful mind


Staying consistent

Doing the same thing for a long enough period of time constantly improving yourself



habituating positive principles that encourage continual personal growth and development

Recent Event:
Posted on October 8, 2019,
Coming up event:
Posted on October 8, 2019,
Coming up event:
Posted on November 2, 2019,